Monday, February 23, 2009

Top 10 Fitness Tipsssssssssss

Tip #1: Work out regularly!

Always remember that it is more important to have a quality workout than to have a long one. However, you should try to progressively increase the time spend working out from twenty minutes to an hour. You can work out harder when you`re full of energy.

Tip #2: Combine the exercises.

Make sure that your fitness workout covers all muscle groups. The fitness program should include cardio exercises like aerobic, jogging, stepping, climbing stairs, or rope jumping. Lifting weights and stretching exercises are also a good option. Don’t overwork yourself: at the end of the workout you should feel full of energy, not stressed and exhausted.

Tip #3: Try new exercises to avoid routine.

Once you`re familiar with some of the fitness exercises, why not try others? Maybe you`ll enjoy them more. For instance, the Pilates exercises help you work on your belly in a different way; or, you may want to try Tae-bo or kickboxing instead of aerobic.

Tip #4: Adapt to your environment!

Try and adapt your workout to your environment. You can find a way to exercise no matter where you’re working out: at home, in the park, or at the gym. Don’t find excuses not to exercise regularly!

Tip #5: Have a balanced diet!

Besides working out, you also need a healthy diet if you want to lose weight. No matter how hard you work out, if you don’t eat unhealthy you won’t see the results you expect. Also, count the calories in your meals and make sure you don’t eat more than you need to maintain or lose weight. If your net calorie consumption – including those you burn when working out – is higher than your daily requirements, you will gain weight even if you work out.

Tip #6: Ask for help!

Always seek help from a fitness trainer and a dietitian who can recommend you a personalized diet. Having a specialist who supervises, supports, and motivates you helps you stay on track with your fitness or weight loss plan, and avoid making costly mistakes.

Tip #7: Create a healthy environment around you

Clean up your fridge of “prohibited” foods and stuff it with fruits, vegetables, and yogurts! Stop smoking, or hanging out in places where a lot of people smoke. Ask your spouse or significant other to smoke outside – or preferably not at all! It’s healthy for both of you. Don’t drink too much, and don’t sleep too little. Fitness is not just about working out; it’s about living healthy, in a healthy environment.

Tip #8: Stay close to people who are motivated.

To achieve your goals, share them with others who’ve gone through the same experience. Most people are happy to help. Learn from their mistakes, learn what’s worked for them, and stay close to motivated people. Positive thinking is contagious!

Tip #9: Keep moving!

Try to walk more outdoors, or better yet in a park, during sunny days. Jog with a friend in the morning or during lunch break at work, or walk the dog more often. Find time to do work around the house. Always try to add physical activity to your life.

Tip #10: Remember that fitness is a step to a healthier lifestyle!

Try to make some time for a fitness program in your schedule and enjoy all its benefits. A fitness program and a healthy diet are a successful recipe for a healthier life.

i wHAT this FUCKING bag!!

Nike Considered products are made of sustainable materials and to the very highest quality.

A field pack for the urban outback. The Nike Considered Backpack is perfect for students—built with canvas and a tough, rubber-coated linen to withstand the weight of heavy books and computers, while the adjustable curved shoulder straps kick in with comfort. A roll-top closure main compartment, exterior pockets, a laptop sleeve, and a haul loop provide a variety of storage options. Fabric: canvas, rubber-coated linen, wool felt.

Ideal for men and women, it's medium sized (just over a foot wide) and rugged as well as elegant.

A VERY expensive piece from Nike.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

7 fitness don'ts for exercise newbies to athletes

1.....Don't lean on the machines

You may not realize how much your depending on the handle bars on stair-steppers, treadmills, ellipticals and other equipment you use to exercise. Do a posture check several times throughout your workout so you will get the most out of your time on the machine and avoid wrist and back strain leaning can cause.

2.....Don't overdo sports bars and energy drinks

Don't assume that "fitness" food and beverages are low in calories or fine to eat in mass quantities. If you're doing endurance exercise - two hours or longer - you will definitely need to refuel. Otherwise, pay attention to what's in the bars and drinks you're packing in your gym bag and how many servings you're really consuming when you work out. Check in with a nutritionist for some healthy snack and diet options if you are relying on Luna Bars and Gatorade as meal replacements or for every snack outside of the gym.

3.....Don't undereat before you exercise

If you are training for an event, doing endurance exercise, or love intense workouts, it is especially important for you to have enough fuel for all that activity. Be sure your body's getting the right amount of healthy carbs - vegetables, fruits, and whole grains - to help you maintain your energy.

4......Don't overstay at the gym

It makes sense that if you pay all that money for a gym contract, you want to get the most out of your membership. Be sure to balance the time you are spending indoors on the treadmill and in studio classes with outdoor activities. Not only will it shake up your routine a bit, you may exercise differently, more intensely, calmer, or longer when you are outside. Plus, you might just soak up some much-needed vitamin D while the 40% of Americans who are deficient are sadly experiencing bone weakness and higher levels of crabbiness (kidding...sort of).

5.....Don't obsess over your abs

Of course, building a strong core is a key to being fit. But ignoring the rest of your muscles could throw your body out of balance. This can cause low back pain (and who needs more of that?), not to mention out-of-whack body image. Consult a certified personal trainer for ways to incorporate training other muscle groups into your weekly routine. You might just be able to capitalize on your fitness passion while re-framing your focus to toning, caring, and appreciating your whole body, not just one part of it.

6......Don't lift too much weight

Check your self-competition or need to one-up the lady lifting next to you at the gym door. Instead, get some good advice from a trainer or strength and conditioning coach to find out an appropriate amount of weight for your body size, fitness level, and goals. From there, gradually add weight, being sure to listen to your body when you are struggling to do another set or just get the dumbbell off the ground. Remember that being challenged is good but lifting to the point of muscle failure is not.

7.....Don't take it too easy

If you've gotten bored with your daily treadmill session, don't ever sweat anymore, or don't really feel like you've worked anything out when you leave the gym, it may be time to amp up your exercise drill. Set some challenging and still attainable goals that you can work up to slowly, consider doing an interval workout to make things more interesting, or buddy up with someone who will keep you (and your routine) on your toes. Clearly, any activity is better than none, but why not make the time you invest in working out really worthwhile?

Loving you each day and night

I've dreamed of loving you for many years,
Loving you each day and night, each hour,
Loving till you flow into my tears,
And I into the garden where you flower.
Of course I must be me, as you are you,
But just as bushes planted side by side
So intertwine one cannot tell they're two,
We will through love and time be unified.
So have I dreamed, though we have been apart
So long that I of life with you despaired,
Holding wounded hope within my heart
That through these frozen years it might be spared.
The world is a redaction of the dream.
Our greatest pain deep longings shall redeem.


Coffee filters ..who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Tree for almost nothing.

COFFEE FILTERS:  Not just for making coffee.... 
1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers. 
2. Clean windows and mirrors.  Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll
leave windows sparkling. 
3. Protect China .
Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter
between each dish. 
4. Filter broken cork from wine.  If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter. 
5. Protect a cast-iron skillet.  Place a coffee filter in the skillet to
absorb moisture and prevent rust. 
6. Apply shoe polish.  Ball up a lint-free coffee filter. 
7. Recycle frying oil.  After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with
a coffee filter. 
8. Weigh chopped foods.  Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale. 
9. Hold tacos.  Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods. 
10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot.  Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes. 
11. Prevent a Popsicle from
dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.
12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows?  Use strips of coffee filters. 
13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them.  Soaks out all the grease. 
14. Keep in the bathroom.  They make great "razor nick fixers." 

love me

love me